Founded in 1858, St. Peter's is an Episcopal/Ecumenical/earth-based congregation.

Worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:30am, in-person or on Zoom.
Click here to access the weekly Zoom link.
Or join by calling in at: +1 309 205 3325
Meeting ID: 892 0345 5610
Passcode: 771090
We are participatory, active, and committed to the challenges of inner and communal spiritual growth.
We read scripture through the lens of the current moment and our location. We hear the Spirit call from the soil and the streets.
We believe involving ourselves in the struggle for justice is spiritual work. We are called to speak truth to power.
We strive to practice hospitality and solidarity, and to walk this path together as we build beloved community.

St. Peter's is not only an "open and affirming" church,
but a congregation that actively seeks to celebrate queerness and our LGBTQIA+ community members.